Thursday, February 17, 2011

Gallop Poll Cites Unemployment as Major Problem in United States

Personal Business Advisors: Article & Insights

A Gallop poll released just last week announced that Americans feel unemployment and the lack of jobs is the biggest problem currently facing the nation. A full 35 percent of Americans said that jobs and unemployment was their biggest concern, the highest percentage since the Great Recession started and the highest rating since the jobless recovery of the late 1980s. It was the second month in a row that unemployment topped the polls with the economy placing second and healthcare third. However the unemployment survey data doesn’t come to a surprise for online senior level career transition websites such as Personal Business Advisors.

 Throughout 2009, the economy was the major issue facing most Americans. With the unemployment rate now consistently over 9 percent and the lack of jobs available for unemployed job seekers, unemployment has replaced the economy as the main concern of most Americans. According to Personal Business Advisors, the job loss impact to C-level Baby Boomer executives is even more significant.

Back in late January, Gallop released another study about job creation and unemployment stating that most Americans are pessimistic about job creation and six in ten unemployed people feel that the next job they get will not be the one they want. However, they will have to simply settle for whatever job they can find. On average, unemployed workers have spent 27 weeks looking for a job and have applied on average for 45 different jobs.

With a full 42 percent of senior level executives unemployed; many now seeking jobs and career opportunities have started looking at websites such as Personal Business Advisors to locate alternative sources of employment. In fact, experts believe that many people, especially Baby Boomers, have simply stopped looking for jobs during a long period of unemployment and instead are creating their own job – by working for themselves.

Companies such as Personal Business Advisors are helping C-level executives transition from unemployment to creating new businesses using franchising, buying an existing business, being a distributor or by licensing a product.

The wealth of knowledge available at websites, such as the Personal Business Advisors, is often a great starting place for senior level executives dedicated on fighting unemployment and lighting the entrepreneurial spirit to create a job of their own.

The government continues to believe that the economy will be slow to recover and jobs will be slow to appear with a continued drag on the unemployment rate. While this is a concern to many Americans, as displayed in the Gallop polls, many people are choosing a different route and instead deciding to create their own job by bootstrapping a new business.

With a wide level of natural management skills, senior and c-level professionals can use online resources such as Personal Business Advisors to recreate themselves and develop their own job in the face of lagging unemployment.

Published by Personal Business Advisors Admin:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Boomers Finding Slim Job Prospects in Unemployment

Personal Business Advisors: Articles & Insights

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Boomers Finding Slim Job Prospects in Unemployment

The jobless recovery now taking place in the United States is especially tough on Baby Boomers; Americans aged 47 to 65 years old. In fact, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is seeing an increase in complaints from Boomers aggressively seeking jobs while collecting unemployment benefits. Websites catering to the needs of unemployed Baby Boomers looking for alternative employment, such as Personal Business Advisors, are also seeing an increase in traffic as more senior level executives find themselves on unemployment and looking to create their own business opportunities, which create jobs.

A full 39 percent of Baby Boomer men were less likely to get a job each month compared with younger unemployed workers according to a job and unemployment survey conducted by CNN. According to Personal Business Advisors, 76 percent of the 77 million Baby Boomers plan to seek a job in retirement and currently 42 percent of senior level executives are unemployed.

Compounding the issue for most Baby Boomers is the fact that they need to rely more on job income due to the minimal return on bank savings accounts and the recent correction in the stock market. Many Baby Boomers are finding that their retirement accounts are no longer replacing their job income and have to find alternative methods to job income.

Personal Business Advisors is dedicated to rebuilding the world one business at a time. Their philosophy is by helping unemployed Baby Boomers make a career transition to alternative employment, they will be creating a business opportunity, and creating jobs, instead of relying on unemployment. They focus on creating business opportunities by purchasing a business, starting a new business, licensing a product or by joining a franchise opportunity.

A key group of Baby Boomers are freeing themselves from unemployment and finding job satisfaction by starting their own business. In fact, a recent survey for C-level executives by Personal Business Advisors found that 82 percent of Baby Boomers say they are going to start their own business eventually. The transition from unemployment and lack of job prospects are turning more American’s towards starting their own business.

 A number of C-level executives are also joining the ranks of firms such as Personal Business Advisors to become high-level business consultants helping other entrepreneurs start their business or helping other Baby Boomers make the career transition from job and unemployment to long term opportunity.

Baby Boomers have been able to reinvent their job and career outlook in past recessions and are taking the recent downturn and high unemployment rate to truly relaunch themselves towards rebuilding the world one business at a time.

By: Personal Business Advisors Admin

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Personal Business Advisors : Our Future Part 3

Continued from Personal Business Advisors : Our Future 2

Now, knowing all this PLUS being confronted with

-       Religious Fanaticism here and abroad
-       Global Economic ‘contractions’ as we have not seen them since the great depression
-       A world which is driven by technology and changes now every 5 years instead of every 100 years or more
-       Populations which are NOT interested in doing what they/ we have to do, but only what they/we want to do… and
-       Politicians, who become elected by promising exactly THAT, whether it makes sense, is realistic or not.
-       Weapons of mass destruction in the hand of fanatics (i.e. North Korea, Iran, Pakistan (Venzuela?) etc.) and the increasing likelihood of those weapons to “fall” into the hands of terrorists.

What might our future look like??

Well, as with everything, the answers to that question will of course depend on who you ask (and what their agenda is). Since my sole agenda is to grow PBA, helping all partners to be successful and our candidates to become (somewhat) independent from the (economic) mess (and effects thereof) we are all facing, provide for and raise my children to become good & responsible & productive citizens, become a better husband and man, leave this world a better place than I found it, here is what I think has the highest likelihood to happen:

-       Within the next 12 months to 2 years we will have another global economic collapse (similar to the Great Depression)
-       Within the next 10 years, we will see MANY more natural (& man-made) disasters (which include potential ‘virus outbreaks’, due to man made experiments and/or how we ‘produce’ protein (pigs/chicken etc.)
-       We will see ‘emerging countries’ who put a lot of their resources and finances into renewable energy (and by that gaining a competitive advantage over other nations, like China does over the U.S. right now).
-       We will see ‘Charismatic Leaders’ emerging ‘out of nowhere’ who promise ‘the people’ everything they/we want to hear, but who will be making things much worse and wreaking havoc for the country/world…
-       We will see civil ‘unrest’ triggered by natural disasters (think Katrina/ floods in Pakistan etc.) as well as more and more people STARVING due to the deteriorating economical conditions…
-       We will see (more) wars fought over (the last) natural resources (instead of investing into/working on renewable resources).
-       We will see discretionary income & spending dramatically decline and a renewed focus on basic items like food, shelter, clothing, energy and security.
-       We are and will see many more business opportunities focused on that versus the ‘fancy stuff’ everybody wants, but nobody needs.
-       We will have the leaders of the ‘free world’ ask their citizens publicly to start small businesses (already happening here in the U.S.), because they KNOW that they cannot fix this mess, only small businesses can, being the largest employer and tax payer every capitalistic society around the world has.
-       We will find that people will start valuing ‘small things’ more than they are today (similar to what we saw after 9/11, because crisis brings out both the worst AND the best in people.
-       We will teach our children how to become entrepreneurs instead of employees, because as a population we lose all faith in larg(er) corporations.
-       We will become more independent and open-minded and therefore STRONGER as a people and nation(s).
-       We will experience a long time of ‘discomfort’ and hardship and change before things will start to look better (for our children?).
-       We will become ‘micro-economies’, will DE-centralize (i.e.. local communities will become more self-reliable, plant/ raise their own food locally, small business will  serve the local population, big distributors (i.e. Walmart, BestBuys etc.) will become less prevalent, in a nutshell we will get back to how we did business and lived before the industrialization (but this time WITH the creature comforts and added efficiency modern technologies provide.
-       We will drive less and work more out of our homes.
-       Even in rural communities small biz owners will be/ are able to access/ communicate and cater to world markets (like it happened in/ for India).
-       We will never go back to the excess and waste we have experienced/ lived during the end of the last/ beginning of this millennium.
-       The ‘party’ is over, let the new times begin and EMBRACE them with open arms/ minds and hearts!

It’s OK to be scared, it’s NOT OK to be paralyzed or refuse to see and acknowledge our new reality. Only if we are willing to look at the truth for what it is –just the truth- will we be able to not only survive, but MASTER (the dawn of) the new times which have already begun.

I am confident that we will prevail, but it will take time, because people have a natural tendency to cling to what they are familiar with, which not only slows down the natural process of evolution, but also makes them part of the problem, instead of the solution.

This is NOT going to happen to PBA. In the year 2004 we already had pictures of the great depression on our website and back then many (executive candidates) laughed at us and said “you guys are nuts’, this is not going to happen again in the foreseeable future”. I’m sure that after reading this little chapter many will say the same again.

It doesn’t matter though. What does matter is that those who (are willing to) acknowledge our new reality have found a place and a future –for themselves, their families and their peers.

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Population Research Presents a Sobering Prognosis

Continued from Personal Business Advisors : Our Future (Part 1)

With 267 people being born every minute and 108 dying, the world’s population will top seven billion next year, a research group projects, while the ratio of working-age adults to support the elderly in developed countries declines precipitously because of lower birthrates and longer life spans.

In a sobering assessment of those two trends, William P. Butz, president of the Population Reference Bureau, said that “chronically low birthrates in developed countries are beginning to challenge the health and financial security of the elderly” at the same time that “developing countries are adding over 80 million to the population each year and the poorest of those countries are adding 20 million, exacerbating poverty and threatening the environment.”
Projections, especially over decades, are vulnerable to changes in immigration, retirement ages, birthrates, health care and other variables, but in releasing the bureau’s 2010 population data sheet, Carl Haub, its senior demographer, estimated this week that by 2050 the planet will be home to more than nine billion people.
Even with a decline in birthrates in less developed countries from 6 children per woman in 1950 to 2.5 today (and to 2 children or less in Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Iran, Thailand and Turkey), the population of Africa is projected to at least double by midcentury to 2.1 billion. Asia will add an additional 1.3 billion.
While the United States, Australia, Canada and New Zealand will continue to grow because of higher birthrates and immigration, Europe, Japan and South Korea will shrink (although the recession reduced birthrates in the United States and Spain and slowed rising birthrates in Russia and Norway).
In Japan, the population of working-age people, typically defined as those 15 to 64, compared with the population 65 and older that is dependent on this younger group, is projected to decline to a ratio of one to one, from the current three to one. Worldwide, the ratio of working age people for every person in the older age group is expected to decline to four to one, from nine to one now.
Earlier this week, Eurostat, the statistical arm of the 27-nation European Union, reported that while the union’s population topped a half billion this year, 900,000 of the 1.4 million growth from the year before resulted from immigration. Eurostat has predicted that deaths will outpace births in five years, a trend that has already occurred in Bulgaria, Latvia and Hungary.
While the bulge in younger people, if they are educated, presents a potential “demographic dividend” for countries like Bangladesh and Brazil, the shrinking proportion of working-age people elsewhere may place a strain on governments and lead them to raise retirement ages and to encourage alternative job opportunities for older workers.
Even in the United States, the proportion of the gross domestic product spent on Social Security and Medicare is projected to rise to 14.5 percent in 2050, from 8.4 percent this year.
The Population Reference Bureau said that by 2050, Russia and Japan would be bumped from the 10 most populous countries by Ethiopia and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Personal Business Advisors - Our Future (Part 1)

REAL Issues...Insights from Uwe 'Unplugged' : Personal Business Advisors
Talking about our future in North America is impossible without thinking and talking about all the global developments and the effect these have on all of us on a daily (if not hourly) bases.

I certainly do not claim to know more than the next educated (subject matter)  “expert”, but maybe my conclusions are a bit different and (hopefully) NOT clouded/tainted by pre-conceived notions/wishful thinking and/or any political agenda (since I have NONE).

Having said all this, let’s go together and try to define our current situation as we face it today:

-       The entire western hemisphere has reached a standard of living that is higher than it has ever been before in recorded human history.
-       The Southern and Eastern hemisphere countries are successfully building a middle class –thanks to our outsourcing and offshoring- and therefore are continuously growing their wealth –chipping away steadily from the Western hemisphere’s wealth and dominance (economically/militarily and consumption ).
-       Global climate change is presenting ‘challenges’ and devastation we have not seen since the Middle Ages.
-       Natural resources (oil/ gas/ drinking water/ arable land etc.) are dwindling (and harder to get to) rapidly on a global scale.
-       The world’s population is exploding. The United Nations projects it to peak at 9,22 billion by 2075

also see article
Population Research Presents a Sobering Prognosis, contributing even more to the strain on the Earth’s natural resources, which are FINITE.

Read Personal Business Advisors - Our Future (Part 2)

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